Concorso per 6 personale laureato (toscana) SCUOLA IMT ALTI STUDI LUCCA

I testi riportati sono gratuiti e non hanno carattere di ufficialità: ai sensi di legge l'unico testo definitivo, che prevale in caso di discordanza, è quello pubblicato a mezzo stampa.


Attenzione, il bando selezionato non è attivo, poichè è scaduto il termine per la presentazione della domanda

Tipologia Concorso
Tipologia Contratto Assunzione
Posti 6
Fonte: Gazzetta Ufficiale Repubblica Italiana N. 75 del 20-09-2011
Sintesi: IMT - ALTI STUDI LUCCA CONCORSO   (scad.  31 ottobre 2011) Avviso di indizione di sei procedure di valutazione comparativa a livello internazionale per la copertura di sei posizioni di Assistant Professo ...
Regione: TOSCANA
Provincia: LUCCA
Comune: LUCCA
Data di inserimento: 20-09-2011
Data Scadenza bando 31-10-2011
Condividi Invia tramite Whatsapp


CONCORSO   (scad.  31 ottobre 2011)
Avviso di indizione di sei procedure  di  valutazione  comparativa  a
  livello  internazionale  per  la  copertura  di  sei  posizioni  di
  Assistant Professor e Post-Doctoral Fellow. 
Si rende noto che, con i Decreti Direttoriali n. DD 02520(181).VII., DD 02521(182).VII., DD 02522(183).VII., DD 02523(184).VII., DD 02524(185).VII., DD 02525(186).VII. presso la Scuola IMT Alti Studi, Lucca, istituto statale di istruzione universitaria di
alta formazione dottorale con ordinamento speciale, sono state indette sei procedure di valutazione
comparativa per posizioni da Assistant Professor e Post-Doctoral Fellow con le seguenti specifiche:
Assistant Professor in Statistical Physics - 1 posizione
FIELDS: Theory, applied mathematics, analysis and modeling of complex systems and applications of
statistical physics and economics to social systems; graph theory and random structures and analysis and
modeling of complex networks in social economic systems.
ACTIVITIES: Research, tutorship and mentoring of the Institute's Ph.D students, teaching and participation
in the development of the research areas.
SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Candidates must have an excellent record of high-impact international
publications. Candidates should demonstrate enthusiasm for performing applied research in a
interdisciplinary Research Unit.
REQUIREMENTS: A Ph.D in Physics, Mathematics or Information Sciences is preferable. Possession of an
Undergraduate degree in fields related to the profile. Excellent knowledge of English, both written and
RESEARCH AREA: Economics and Institutional Change
RESEARCH UNIT: AXES - Laboratory for the Analysis of compleX Economic Systems
Assistant Professor in Analysis, Control, and Optimization of complex dynamical systems - 1
FIELDS: Analysis, control, and optimization of complex dynamical systems. Research experience is expected
in at least one of the following areas: Model predictive control, Dynamic optimization, Stochastic
optimization, Control systems design based on optimization methods.
ACTIVITIES: Research, tutorship and mentoring of the Institute's Ph.D students, teaching and participation
in the development of the research areas.
SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Candidates must have an excellent record of high-impact international
publications. Candidates should demonstrate enthusiasm for performing applied research in a
interdisciplinary Research Unit.
A sound knowledge of control and optimization methods is required, and the successful candidate will be
interested in both theoretical research and in applications to practical problems. Previous experience with
applications of control/optimization to smart grids and energy markets is a plus, but candidates with
experience in other application areas are welcome.
REQUIREMENTS: A Ph.D in engineering or mathematics with a focus on control or optimization is preferable.
Possession of an undergraduate degree in fields related to the profile. Excellent knowledge of English, both
written and spoken.
RESEARCH AREA: Computer Science and Applications
RESEARCH UNIT: DYSCO - Dynamical Systems, Control, and Optimization
Assistant Professor in Economics and Innovation Management - 1 posizione
FIELDS: Research within the field of Innovation and entrepreneurship, informed by organizational
economics, and predominantly based on a unique collection of empirical datasets analyzed by means of
state-of-the-art methods including micro-econometrics, content analysis, and the analysis of networks and
complex systems.
ACTIVITIES: Research, tutorship and mentoring of the Institute's Ph.D students, teaching and participation
in the development of the research areas.
SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Candidates must have an excellent record of high-impact international
publications. Candidates should demonstrate enthusiasm for performing applied research in a
interdisciplinary Research Unit.Applicants should have a strong research potential in the area of innovation, and first-rate skills in empirical
analysis, preferably micro-econometrics and content analysis of massive datasets.
REQUIREMENTS: A PhD in Economics, Statistics or Computer Science is preferable. Possession of an
undergraduate degree in fields related to the profile. Excellent knowledge of English, both written and
RESEARCH AREA: Economics and Institutional Change
RESEARCH UNIT: LIME - Laboratory of Innovation Management and Economics
Assistant Professor in Modelling and Analysis of Concurrent Systems - 1 posizione
FIELDS: Foundations and formal specification of concurrent (distributed, mobile, autonomic) systems.
Quantitative and qualitative modelling and analysis of concurrent systems and design and development of
software tools to support their formal analysis. Applications to socio economic systems.
ACTIVITIES: Research, tutorship and mentoring of the Institute's Ph.D students, teaching and participation
in the development of the research areas.
SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Candidates must have an excellent record of high-impact international
publications. Candidates should demonstrate enthusiasm for performing applied research in a
interdisciplinary Research Unit.
They should have demonstrated ability in formal methods, in system modelling and in the development of
software tools, as well as experience in participation in international projects.
REQUIREMENTS: A Ph.D. in Computer Science or Computer Engineering is preferable. Possession of an
undergraduate degree in fields related to the profile. Excellent knowledge of English, both written and
RESEARCH AREA: Computer Science and Applications
RESEARCH UNIT: SySMA - System Modelling and Analysis
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Art History: Images, Visions and Reactions – 1 posizione
FIELDS: Art History, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroesthetics, Aesthetics, Philosophy.
ACTIVITIES: Research, tutorship and mentoring of the Institute's Ph.D students, teaching and participation
in the development of the research areas.
SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: A significant record of publications and research activity related to Art History,
Modes of Vision and Aesthetics, a goal-oriented approach, the ability to interact with non-academic
institutions or companies and the capacity to generate partnerships and external funding are highly
REQUIREMENTS: A Ph.D in a related field with special emphasis on Art History and Cultural
Heritage Possession is preferable. Possession of an undergraduate degree in fields related to the profile.
Excellent knowledge of English, both written and spoken.
RESEARCH AREA: Economics and Institutional Change
RESEARCH UNIT: LYNX - Center for the interdisciplinary Analysis of Images. Objects, Spaces, Images:
individual Experience and social Behaviors
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Art History: Images and Motion – 1 posizione
FIELDS: Art History, History of Cinema, Museology, Media Studies, History of science, Cognitive Psychology,
Aesthetics, Philosophy.
ACTIVITIES: Research, tutorship and mentoring of the Institute's Ph.D students, teaching and participation
in the development of the research areas.
SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: A significant record of publications and research activity related to Art, a goaloriented
approach, the ability to interact with non-academic institutions or companies and the capacity to
generate partnerships and external funding are highly appreciated.
FORMAL REQUIREMENTS: A Ph.D in a related field with special emphasis on Art History is preferable.
Possession of an undergraduate degree in fields related to the profile. Excellent knowledge of English, both
written and spoken.
RESEARCH AREA: Economics and Institutional Change
RESEARCH UNIT: LYNX - Center for the interdisciplinary Analysis of Images. Objects, Spaces, Images:
individual Experience and social Behaviors
I bandi di concorso con indicazione delle modalità di presentazione delle domande è pubblicato all’Albo
Online della Scuola sul sito web all’indirizzo
Il termine di scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 31 ottobre 2011.